The Most Popular Haitian Baby Names
In the interest of getting you what you're looking for, this page makes a terrible fudge of the statistics. The truth is, it's impossible to know what the most popular Haitian baby names are. There's no central authority gathering and collating data, no registry that's open to private citizens--no data, basically. But by mining a couple of unofficial sources of data, I've created lists of the most common names among Haitian university and graduate school applicants, and among babies, children, and teens in sponsored school programs and other relief programs aimed at the rural working class.
There's also a massive table of Haitian girls' names, which I'm cleaning and editing as part of my ongoing project to create reliable frequency data. While the names below belong to children and young adults, the names on the linked table belong to middle-class adults born in the 1940's through the 1990's.
Girls' Names
City names
The most popular names among educated young Haitian women born in 1981 to 1993 are:
- Stéphanie
- Fabiola
- Esther
- Tamara
- Roseline
- Cassandra
- Farah, Phara
- Lovely, Lovelie
- Darline
- Samentha
- Vanessa
- Nadège
- Rachelle
- Judith
- Manoucheca
- Mardochée
- Beatrice
- Fabienne
- Mirlande
- Natacha
- Wideline
- Johanne
- Madeleine
Country names
The most popular girls' names among rural Haitian children and teens born in 1995 to 2013 are:
- Widelene (twice as common as #2 and #3)
- Mirlande, Myrlande
- Islande
- Lovelie, Lovely
- Judeline
- Angeline
- Esther
- Chedeline
- Jessica
- Rose-Merline
- Madeline
- Rose
- Medjine
- Samantha
- Esterline
- Nephtalie
- Jesula
- Roseline
- Fredeline
- Guerlande
- Marie
- Gaelle
- Jenniflore
- Lourdes-Gina
- Fabienne
- Anaïca
- Nadia
- Kimberly
Boys' Names
City names
The most popular names among educated young Haitian men born in 1981 to 1993 are:
- Junior
- Emmanuel
- Mackenson, Makenson
- James
- Peterson
- Samuel
- Ricardo
- Jeff
- Stanley
- Ronald
- Johnson
- Jackson
- Evens
- Daniel
- Frantz
- Josué
- Gregory
- Robenson
- Jude
- Jonas
- David
Country names
The most popular boys' names among rural Haitian children and teens born in 1995 to 2013 are:
- Stevenson
- Stanley
- Samuel
- Peterson
- Daniel
- Wilson
- Jameson
- Evens
- Ricardo
- Emmanuel
- Junior
- Wilguens
- Simon
- Schneider
- James
- Mickenson
- Wilky
- Kervens
- Sandley
- Wesley
- Davidson
- Joseph
- Anel
- Watson
Updated 1/17/2014