A pause to ponder
Food in Final Fantasy IX
FF9 has a strange, bulimiarexic approach to food. Quina eats enemies.
The stork monster eats party members. Party members... eat nothing.
At all. When Zidane goes into bars, they're out of the special of
the day; when the barkeep offers him a special new dish, he waves
it off hastily and claims that he's full. Food shop clerks, standing
behind counters filled with pastries and cakes, will talk about
the food but will not offer anyone any. A secondary character who
dares to insist upon buying a cake misses his shuttle because of
it. The one time the party does get to take part in a feast, the
food is poisoned. Eating in Gaia is a dangerous act, best performed
in full armor in the midst of battle.
Garnet-tachi just fought a fanged purple worm that vomited out
its stomach and spacked Steiner with it.
For a LOT of points.
I give up. The situation is hopeless. Somewhere on Disc 3 I'm going
to run into the real Iron Chef, and we are all going to die,
because there is nothing more fearsome than a forty-foot-tall iron
giant who wields the fearsome power of food.
On to Zidane's
deep thoughts on women warriors...
