Part Time - Find part-time jobs, resume and interview
skills information, university and post-secondary education,
restaurant, retail, and hospitality part-time jobs throughout
- Features not only jobs for recent grads, but part-time and
entry-level jobs for students who are still in school.
Jobs Canada - A job search site specializing in hospitality
and retail jobs.
- A classified site with listings in most major cities, divided
by industry and whether you're looking for part- or full-time
work. Because Craigslist is free, small companies and startups
are fond of it, so you'll see jobs there that won't appear
anywhere else.
- Helps university and college students and graduates find
entry-level jobs and internships. Perform a job search without
a login or password, or browse through sample resumes, cover
letters, and interview tips.
- Canada's biggest job site, with a special section for part-time
and summer jobs for students.