Part-Time Jobs for Students and Teens in Ireland
Using a regular job search site to find jobs that you can do while you go to
school is a pain. All of the sites listed here specialize in exactly
the kinds of jobs you're looking for: entry-level part-time and
seasonal jobs that want to hire teenagers and university students.
This page is for job seekers in Ireland. There are also pages for
job seekers in the United
States, Great
Britain, Canada,
and New
- A classified site with listings in most major cities, divided
by industry and whether you're looking for part- or full-time
work. Because Craigslist is free, small companies and startups
are fond of it, so you'll see jobs there that won't appear
anywhere else.
- Full and part-time jobs in Ireland for young people. Lists
a wide variety jobs, including temping, cleaning, bar work,
and pubs.
